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Moscow time

1st December Video Files
16:30 Opening ceremony
16:45 Ivan Lizaga Past, present and future of sediment fingerprinting
18:00 Oxana Erina Urban hydrogeochemestry: insights from Moscow city
2nd December
15:00 Zhengzheng Zhou Extreme storm analysis and Machine learning applications for rainfall prediction in urban areas
17:00 Sergey Chalov Main approaches in hydrogeochemical modelling and assessment
3rd December
16:30 Michael Maerker Integrated Soil Erosion Assessment: Concepts, Methods and Applications
18:00 Andrey Zhidkin Historical reconstruction and forecast of soil cover degradation based on erosion modeling and field soil survey data
4th December
5th December
16:30 Paolo Porto 137Cs traditional and re-sampling approaches to estimate soil erosion for different time scales
18:00 Anatoly Tsyplenkov Soil erosion modeling in R (workshop)
6th December
16:30 Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi Necessity of the Watershed Health Assessment in Hydrology
18:00 Vsevolod Moreido SWAT applications for the small urban river pollution modeling